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Found 45194 results for any of the keywords governmental organizations. Time 0.009 seconds.
Negotiation Advice for Organizations, Governments, and IndividualsNAI provides expert negotiation advice that has delivered remarkable outcomes for organizations, governments, unions, non-governmental organizations, and individuals across the globe.
About Us: Infosystems Global Services LimitedINFOSYSTEMS GLOBAL SERVICES LIMITED is a leader in Information, Communications and Technology, providing turnkey solutions to individuals , corporate and governmental organizations. At INFOSYS
CLS USA Services Include Medical Evaluation, Logistics, ConstructionCLS USA provides comprehensive business solutions, logistics, procurement and supply-chain management for governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as international commercial customers.
HomeEdgeDigitals is a IT Consulting firm servicing governmental and non-governmental organizations
Market Research & Consulting Company | KBV ResearchKBV Research is a global market research and consulting company serving all kinds of business verticals, government and non-governmental organizations, and not for profit organizations.
Non-Government Organization (NGO) - GHFNon-governmental organizations are working for human rights and poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, environmental, disaster relief and social problems.
NexusfordevelopmentOur experienced international team provides carbon finance services to enterprises, non-governmental organizations, government agencies and others on carbon certification, energy audit and carbon footprint, and carbon of
MBA in Hospital Management Pune | MBA in Healthcare Management in IndiLooking for MBA in Healthcare Management in India? SIHS offers MBA in Healthcare & Hospital management courses in Pune, India, Masters of public health course, Pharma MBA, Public health masters programs & Healthcare IT.
Our Team Oxfam CanadaWe depend on and value our staff, volunteers, members, and Board, whose hard work, experience, commitment and vision ensures our success.
UNESCO - WikipediaUNESCO is governed by the General Conference composed of member states and associate members, which meets biannually to set the agency's programs and budget. It also elects members of the executive board, which manages U
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